Cavern-Us Solo AR Exhibition on V-Art Platform
Project Direct Link (Open on mobile):
V-Art Website:
V-Art App:
Cavern-Us is an app based virtual solo exhibition of New Media Artist Snow Yunxue Fu, set within two scenes of Fu’s artwork environments 'Submerged' and 'The Night Flame'. The duality at the center of the exhibition places the visitor into a juxtaposition between two different environments both of which comment on the human condition. One through our connection to our own bodies, corporeality. The other - through our relationship to nature and our impact upon it. The dual virtual space also functions as environments for exhibiting other screen-based artworks by Snow Yunxue Fu.
Visit the AR Solo Exhibition by click the following link directly ON YOUR PHONE!
Navigation Instructions: It will bring you to download the V-Art app first if you do not already have the free app. After that click on the link again for it to open the exhibition directly!
Once the project is loaded, you can visit the space by moving your phone with the AR access, or press on the big blue button on the bottom to navigate within the virtual space.
You can go anywhere in the space, and if you’d like to activate any of the 12 moving image artworks on the screen, walk towards the front of the screen till it start playing!